If the Team is set as public....

If you haven't started your registration yet, you can search for the Team:

Type the name of the Team in the text box: 

If you have already started a registration, you can do this on your registration page. 

In your participant email, there is a link to view your participant details (please be aware this link does expire after 20 minutes but you can always request a new one via the expired link).  

When viewing your participant summary, click the button to Join Team - as shown in the below image

If you cannot find your team, please contact support@registernow.com.au and we will be able to help you out.

If the Team is set as private....

You will require an invitation link to join from the Team Admin. Please request this from your Team Admin. 

If the option to join a team is not available this will be because the event is not taking team registration bookings.