The promotion codes function allows you to create promo codes which allow participants to be provided a discount on their registration fees.

Please note - currently promo codes can only be used to reduce Registration Fee charges. We are working on further enhancements to Promo codes including applying them to specific items instead of just rego fees (i.e. merchandise items, event packs, day licenses etc)

Promo codes are located under the Manage button on the My Registration Forms page:

Once on the Promotion Codes page, you are presented with three choices: 

Buttons at the top of page:

Create single promo code - YOU choose the individual code and set the parameters

Generate single promo code - the system will generate an individual code with your specific parameters.

Generate multiple promo code - the system will automatically generate multiple, individual codes with your specific parameters. 

Configuration Settings:

Promo Code: This is where you set the code. Be careful not to include any spaces - especially on the end of the code. (Note: when generating Multiple codes, you can specify a set prefix and the number of characters you want to use - i.e. if you had Toyota as a sponsor and wanted to give them 10 codes you could set the prefix as TOYOTA.) 

Discount: You can apply a fixed dollar amount or a percentage (%) of the participants registration fees. 

Value: This is where you specify either the dollar amount discount or the % amount discount.

Valid From / Expiry (Optional): You can also set a date range that they are applicable. so you may send out an email to say "register by DD-MM-YYYY (date) and receive a 10% discount by using this code XYZ123"

Maximum Uses (Optional): You can specify a maximum number of uses for Promotion Code (You can enter any positive whole number in this field. e.g. 10). Maximum Uses is an optional field. If this field does not apply you do not need to enter anything. If this field is used then the system will mark this Promotion Code as sold out once this Promotion Code has been used this many times.

Description (Optional): This is only for your records - the participants don't see this anywhere

Availability: The default is that the Promo Code will only work for participants on the event that it is being created on, however you have the option to make the Promo Code "Global" which means the holder could use it on any event on your account. (There is no option to select multiple events - you can only make it available on one event or all events. If you want a code to be available for use on multiple events, you would need to create it on each event)

Available to all Categories? (Optional): You can choose to filter and have the promo only apply to certain categories or registration types.

Sort Order (Optional): Sort order is a common term in the Register Now system - you can set the sort order and this controls the order in which Promo Codes are displayed on this page.

Sold Out tick box: If this box is ticked it means that the Promo Code has reached the maximum amount of uses. If you decide to increase the maximum uses, you'll have to edit that number AND also un tick this box and then click Save.

Once you have all your codes set up, including global codes or single event, you can very quickly have a long scroll list to sort through. With this in mind, we have created a search feature within promo codes to make it super easy to find the exact code you're after: 

Promo Codes are applied on the Transaction Summary page (link below). 

Clients have the option to remove a promo code from a registration if required. Select Add Promotion Code, leave all options blank (including discount amount/percentage) and hit save. This removes the original promo code and will take off any discount that was previously associated with the registration

Useful Links: