To view the event statistics, click on the "My Accounts" or "My Events" link in the left menu, then click on the "Stats" button next to the relevant form ID.

The registration statistics page displays real-time registration statistics for your event. You can print this page by clicking the “Print” hyperlink located in the first box on the page.

Basic information about your event is displayed at the top of the page in the Event Details section, including your Organization Name, Registration For, Location, Date, and Registration Closing Date.

The Total Approved Participants table lists the number of registered participants by registration type (Individual, Team, and Family).

The Total Approved Registrations table lists a summary of registrations by type (Individual, Team, and Family). Each Team and Family is counted as one registration.

The Total Approved Participants by Category is a count based on the Payment Categories for your event.

The Payment Items table lists a summary of all paid items for your event. Sub totals are provided for each different payment item that exists in the system.

The Total Participants by Status is a count of the payments made through the system.

 - unpaid and incomplete registrations are those people that may have started a registration but did not complete all their details.