Register Now has made some changes to the 'Sell Out Logic' when setting up an event, which is why this page might look different to how you remember it (July 2021).

When you arrive at this page, you are asked "Does your event have a maximum number of registrations and/or participants?" (With the default answer being No).

This 'Maximum Limit' is referring to the overall capacity of your event- not specific limits of certain race distances or waves. 

If you select 'Yes' and if your event is set up with only the registration types of Individual and/or Families (and not Teams) then you will see a very simple screen like the below where you can specify an overarching event capacity in the Maximum Limit number.

If your event has Family registrations, these are always counted on a per person basis - the overarching family is not counted at all and you cannot limit the number of family registrations.

Got Teams?

If your event is taking Team Registrations then you will see a slightly different screen (screenshot below).
NOTE: Teams are separate to Groups. We don't talk about Groups at all on this page because groups are never limited as this would defeat the purpose.

Currently, we are only supporting the following configuration. Team Limits cannot be separated and each Team counts as one (1) entry in the overall capacity. 

In the near future, we will support separate team limits. This is so that an event can specify how many teams it can have, separate to how many individuals it can have. 

It's important to note that if your event wants to count each Team Member as a separate unit towards the overall sell out and you have an over arching event capacity, then some team members may miss out if the event reaches capacity. You cannot reserve spots for teams.

You will also notice this discreet Sold Out tick box on this screen:

This tick box exists for 2 reasons:

  1. If your event is already over capacity, you can manually sell it out by ticking this box and then clicking Previous/Next to save this and prevent any further registrations being accepted for this event.
  2. If your event has reach capacity, this box automatically gets ticked by the system. If you determine that you can in fact take more registrations then you can untick the box and click Previous/Next to save this, however, you will also need to increase the Maximum Limit number on this page.